Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Assessing Your Personality Using the Big Five

The following questionnaire gives you a chance to gain insights into your Big Five personality
dimensions. Please answer the following 25 statements using the following scale:
5 = Strongly agree
4 = Agree
3 = Moderate
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly disagree
_____ 1. I am the life of the party.
_____ 2. I sympathize with others’ feelings.
_____ 3. I get chores done right away.
_____ 4. I have frequent mood swings.
_____ 5. I have a vivid imagination.
_____ 6. I don’t talk a lot. (R)
_____ 7. I am not interested in other people’s problems. (R)
_____ 8. I often forget to put things back in their proper place. (R)
_____ 9. I am relaxed most of the time. (R)
_____ 10. I am not interested in abstract ideas. (R)
_____ 11. I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
_____ 12. I feel others’ emotions.
_____ 13. I like order.
_____ 14. I get upset easily.
_____ 15. I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. (R)
_____ 16. I keep in the background. (R)
_____ 17. I am not really interested in others. (R)
_____ 18. I make a mess of things. (R)
_____ 19. I seldom feel blue. (R)
_____ 20. I do not have a good imagination. (R)
_____ 21. I don’t mind being the center of attention.
_____ 22. I make people feel at ease.
_____ 23. I pay attention to details.
_____ 24. I am easily disturbed. (R)
_____ 25. I am full of ideas.
NOTE: If a statement has an “(R)” at the end of it, the scoring for that statement is reversed. That
is, strongly agree is worth 1 point, agree is worth 2 points, etc.
1. Add your score for statements 1, 6,11,16, and 21: _________. This is your score for extraversion.
The higher the score, the more likely you are to be energetic, outgoing, and gregarious.
2. Add your score for statements 2, 7,12,17, and 22: _________. This is your score for agreeableness.
The higher the score, the more warm, tactful, and considerate you are toward others.
3. Add your score for statements 3,8,13,18, and 23: _________. This is your score for conscientiousness.
The higher the score, the more careful, neat, and dependable you are likely to be.
4. Add your score for statements 4,9,14,19, and 24: _________. This is your score for emotional
stability. The higher the score, the more stable, confident, and effective you are likely to be.
5. Add your score for statements 5,10,15,20, and 25: _________. This is your score for openness.
The higher the score, the more imaginative, curious, and original you are likely to be.

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